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As you probably know, an average American adult spends around 203 minutes in using his/her mobile device to execute activities It is crucial to constantly make your business easily accessible to the customers through having an app.

Direct Marketing Channel

Mobile application is an uncomplicated way to communicate with your audience as it allows reaching out customers. This helps you to send the push notifications which also enhance the user engagement and allows you to send the specific offers based on customers’ preferences as well as update them accordingly.

Value to Customers

  • Essentially, the use of mobile applications may be of benefit mostly through entertainment, and as the main marketing channel and tool for promotions through loyalty programs, hidden coupon codes, and convenient access to products or services. Consumers are concerned about comfort, and having your products and services available through the properly designed application is a feature.

Brand Recognition

  • Brand awareness is also facilitated by a mobile app. ? This means that if you have developed an app, the icon created forms part of your branding and is a constantly visible reminder of your business to the users.

Improved Customer Engagement

  • Some of the app features include input/output capabilities as in features like the recommendation engine in Operation Pedro, live chat and feedback loops. Thus, if the customer or the consumer is engaged, there is a propensity that he or she will become a loyal customer of the business.

Competitive Edge

  • Though not all types of businesses may require a mobile app, every business must think of developing internal apps to gain competitive advantage. These “shadow” apps fulfill certain internal business requirements and you can consider them to a certain extent are strategic.

Customer Loyalty

  • Loyalty can be encouraged with the help of the appealing application that was designed as a result of previous steps. This means that by offering uninterrupted services the customer will come back for more business and thus there will always be a rapport between the business and its customers .